Author: <span>admin</span>


Automatic admission for Students of Politecnico di Milano from a Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria Informatica, Ingegneria Matematica, Ingegneria Elettronica, Ingegneria dell’Automazione, Ingegneria Fisica and an average score of at least 24/30. More in general, candidates from other Italian Universities need to have a Laurea Triennale in the following Degree Classes: …

Career Opportunities

HPC Engineering graduates can apply their skills in system design, parallel computing, algorithm optimization, and large-scale data analysis to solve complex problems and advance technology in various fields (eg. climatology, pharmaceuticals, genomics, bioinformatics, materials science and chemistry, cryptography and cybersecurity, aerospace…). Employment opportunities include companies and research centers dealing with …

Structure of the Programme

The study course in High Performance Computing Engineering is a two-year programme with a curriculum of 120 credits (Laurea Magistrale / Master’s of Science, degree class LM-32 – Computer systems engineering). The first year offers a set of courses related to parallel computing and programming, high-performance parallel processors, cloud infrastructures …