HPC Engineering


🇮🇹 [Studenti con titolo triennale italiano] Le richieste di ammissione per la magistrale sono APERTE dal 7 gennaio al 15 febbraio per l’ingresso al secondo semestre 2024/25: Ammissioni

Admission criteria

To be admitted to the Study Course in High-Performance Computing Engineering, candidates need to have a Laurea Triennale in the following Degree Classes:
L7 (Civil and Environmental Engineering), L8 (Computing Systems Engineering), L9 (Industrial Engineering), L31 (Computer Science).

More generally, it is necessary to have a degree of at least three years’ duration, or obtained through the acquisition of at least 180 credits, of which:
• at least 20 credits related to the disciplinary-scientific sectors INF/01 or ING-INF/05;
• at least 20 credits related to the disciplinary-scientific sectors ranging from MAT/01 to MAT/09, and SECS-S/01;
• at least 10 credits related to disciplinary-scientific sectors ranging from FIS/01 to FIS/08.

The same criteria also apply to those applicants who have a university-level qualification obtained abroad, judged suitable by the Council of the Study Programme.

Automatic admission for students of Politecnico di Milano graduated from Laurea Triennale programmes in Ingegneria Informatica, Ingegneria Matematica, Ingegneria Elettronica, Ingegneria dell’Automazione, Ingegneria Fisica, with an average weighted score of at least 24/30.

Students with an average weighted score below 24/30 who are not automatically admitted, as well as candidates from other bachelor’s degrees of Politecnico di Milano or from other Universities, will be evaluated by a dedicated Admission Committee for HPC Engineering, which will decide for admission based on the candidate’s previous studies, the profit and adequacy of the knowledge considered essential to face the topics covered in the master’s degree programme.

Depending on previous studies, admission may be subject to curricular integrations (“debiti”) and/or constraints on the study plan (“obblighi”):

  • Curricular integrations (“debiti”) are exams that are required to pass before the actual enrolment in the Study Course.
  • Constraints (“obblighi”) are instead obligations in the composition of the study plan of HPC Engineering, in terms of specific courses that must be included within the 120 credits or courses that cannot be selected (i.e. if equivalent courses were taken during previous studies).

Advice for bachelor’s students who intend to enrol in HPC Engineering

For Polimi students from the third year of the Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria Informatica, it is suggested to include an exam of FONDAMENTI DI CALCOLO NUMERICO (or NUMERICAL ANALYSIS) and/or FONDAMENTI DI RICERCA OPERATIVA (or FOUNDATIONS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH) in their study plan, as autonomous choices in the third year, to avoid being assigned these courses as obligations (obblighi) in the Master’s study plan.

For Polimi students from the third year of the Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria Matematica, it is suggested to include the exam ALGORITMI E ARCHITETTURE PER IL CALCOLO AD ALTE PRESTAZIONI among their third year choices, to avoid being assigned this course as obligation (obbligo) in the Master’s study plan.

For clarification and advice on this matter, please contact Federico Schiepatti: federico.schiepatti@polimi.it

🇬🇧 Degree Regulations

🇮🇹 Regolamento Didattico

Application for Admission

All candidates (coming from Politecnico di Milano or from other academic institutions) must apply according to the specified procedures and deadlines set by Politecnico di Milano for admission to Laurea Magistrale programmes.