Starting from the academic year 2025/26, Politecnico di Milano will no longer offer EUMaster4HPC as a double degree programme. However, EUMaster4HPC is still active as a network of academic, industrial, and supercomputing partners that our students can leverage to enrich their study path. As EUMaster4HPC student, you can benefit from international workshops, summer schools, internships, and the opportunity to complete your master thesis abroad. Please refer to EUMaster4HPC 2025
European double-degree programme – up to academic year 2024/25
EUMaster4HPC is a partnership of European universities, research/supercomputing centres and industrial partners leading educational activities, funded by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, with the mission to co-design and implement the first pan-European master’s degree programme in High Performance Computing (HPC).
The programme is deployed as a master’s double-degree study path of 2 years and 120 credits:
- first year at Politecnico di Milano (for 60 credits)
- second year at one of the partner universities (for the remaining 60 credits, including the thesis, which can be co-supervised).
The project also includes a summer school in Europe, a cycle of workshops and international events related to HPC and Quantum Computing (such as the EuroHPC Summit), and an internship at a company or supercomputing centre where to carry out the thesis project.
Upon study completion, EUMaster4HPC graduates will receive two master’s degrees: the Laurea Magistrale in High Performance Computing Engineering awarded by Politecnico di Milano + a master’s degree awarded by the partner university (referred to their local master of science).
Politecnico di Milano currently has a double degree agreement with Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) since 2023. Agreements with Université du Luxembourg and with Sorbonne Université are available from 2024.
Financial support
EUMaster4HPC offers financial support in terms of:
- Total exemption from university fees for two years at both Universities
- Scholarship (funded by EuroHPC) of € 5.000/year for two years (overall 10.000 €)
Applications for 2024
The number of seats available is limited. Admissions to the double degree are regulated by a selection process carried out at European level before starting the master’s. The current application period for academic year 2024/25 intake closes on July 15, 2024. Interested students should apply to the double degree programme through the EUMaster4HPC portal and select Politecnico di Milano as 1st choice-university.
IMPORTANT: in addition to the application on the EUMaster4HPC portal for the double degree programme, you also need to apply locally to Polimi for the Laurea Magistrale in HPC Engineering, following the application deadlines and procedures as set by Polimi for admission to the Laurea Magistrale in HPC Engineering.
You are expected to complete your bachelor’s degree (laurea triennale) by Autumn 2024 to be able to enrol at Politecnico di Milano in the first semester of academic year 2024/25.
If you need any support or more information on the programme, application process and available study paths, please get in contact in advance with the programme manager Federico Schiepatti: federico.schiepatti@polimi.it

This project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101051997